Change Logs

Get the latest info about Infinity's Updates. This Page includes info relating last 4 updates only!

Latest Version [v7.3.0-stable]

What's New?

In this update, we are introducing two new features to our bot, Ticket System and Anti-Raid System
The Ticket System in Infinity is completely reaction based!
Once you complete the setup, You can use reactions to use the Ticket System
Currently, the ticket system only includes basic features, but we will add advanced features in future updates!
To check out the commands to use these new features, visit the commands section on this website.

Other Changes

Fixed some bugs in the, Music System.
Made few changes in the Music Sytem.

Important Info

We are aware of the errors occuring in the music system. The errors are occuring due to some problems with the package we use for music in out bot. For now we have applied some temporary fixes to music, the fixes are temporary so, now music is bit slow as compared to the performance earlier. We are waiting for the package devs to release a fix, so that we can fix the music system in Infinity.

Version 7.2.0-beta

What's New?

In this update, we are introducing new features to our bot, Discord Activities.
With Discord Activities you can have even more fun in your Server!
We have also introduced some new Commands, whuich incude Discord-Activites.
Commands that use Discord Activites are Youtube [Can be found in music section!], Poker, Fishing, Betrayal and Chess [All of these can be found in the games section!].

Other Changes

Fixed bug with the voiceStateUpdate Event.
Fixed some bugs with the autojoin command.

Important Info

Discord hasn't rolled out Activities Completely, thus the new commands made using Discord-Activities are very likey to have some errors. If you encounter any error, please report the errors in our support server or use the =report command!

Version 7.1.0-stable

What's New?

We have completely changed and upgraded the Music System in Infinity.
The Update includes addition of many new music Commands!
We have also added more reaction controls for music.
The 24/7 Music Mode has been removed from the bot and we are introducing the autojoin feature!
With Autojoin, bot will automatically join voice channel which you have setup, when a user joins it!

Other Changes

The update includes some minor bug fixes.

Important Info

The New Music System is still in BETA. You may encounter some errors while using the new music commands. Please be sure to report the error in the Official Support Server.

Version 7.0.0-stable

What's New?

Introducing the new Games Section! The Games Section includes 9 new games with lot more to come!
The included games are 8Ball, Akinator, Battleship, Fight, Findwords, RPS, Snake, Tictactoe and Typingtest!
The Games are either Reaction Controlled or Button Controlled.
Please note that Games are in BETA and may include bugs. Please do report them in our Official Support Server!

Other Changes

1). The bot has been sharded to ensure smoother performace in every server
2). The Help Command has been updated for the new game commands!
3). All the info relating new updates will be made available on this website.

Website Launch

We have launched our bot's very new website:
This website contains all the information relating our bot, including Commands info and even our Dev Team Info.
All the new update features will be available on the Change Logs page of our website.
The Changelogs command will continue to be in the bot but will have less update info as compared to the website Change Logs page.